One final look at Oyster with his (damaged) hair before he turns.....
Bald. =X
And thanks to mx's mum who saves the day!
And Oyster's hair. =P
We then headed to had Sakae Teppanyaki as his farewell dinner and boy i ate freaking lots so i was super full.
The next day i went back to old workplace to collect my pay.
Lao niang quit man i tell you! -roar-
After that went walking around town a little.
On 20th of Oct i met Oyster and Kiwi again,
This time i accompany them shop ok!
I did not buy a single thing that day ok!
Partially cos i was broke already i guess HAHAAA. =X
Now i finally know how freaking near is Sunshine Plaza to Dao Huay place,
Ok lahh i know i noooob.
Went to buy tequila for the drinking session held at Kiwi house that night!
I shall not go into too much details cos Kiwi will prolly kill me for blogging out all the stupid things he has done when he was drunk.
People who were present for the night: Me, kiwi, oyster, mx and chalky.
People who KO-ed in chronological order: Oyster, Chalky, Mx, Me & Kiwi.
Total amount of alcohol i took that night: 1 Vodka Mango mixer, 1 Vodka Peach mixer, 2 Baileys, 7 Tequila shots.
The next day i finally met up with my OVB slaves...
And omg i'm so sorry i actually forgot that it was our (ex)editor's birthday!!!
We had a good time catching up with one another.
Listening to Porridge talk has always been as amazing as ever.
And accidents always happen to Moo cos her sandals broke halfway!
She had to drag her feet and spoilt sandals home,
Cos no shops were open for her to buy new shoes.
On the 22nd i was pestered by adeline and kiwi to eat dinner.
Though super lazy,
But i still got out in the end.
Bo bian, who ask me to be such a nice person. =P
It was den when i realised Kiwi was actually drunk on the drinking night,
Cos he totally had no recollection of ANY of the stories i said.
Oh wells.
Somebody's gonna get it reaaaaaaal bad.
I'm not saying who.
But you know him verrrrrrrry well.
And today was Mr Oyster's enlistment date and he's still stuck in Tekong for the coming 2 weeks (WAHAHAAA)
Sent him off at a freaking 745am...
Ok i think i was late i probably reached around 8am or so.
Had subway breakfast and i went back home to sleep till like close to 4pm.
Woke up, took my time slowly prepare,
and head down to Katong to meet Mr Ong and get 'My Sister's Keeper' the book for dearest chu.
Cos Mr Ong has been given the prestige and honour of loads of (shit)work to do,
So he not free and since i very free i have to go down instead.
head down to DTE for hot choc with nigel and ade,
den i walked home by myself again, for the 2nd night consecutively.
Damn nice to walk at night. (:
And i'm gonna start work in like 8 days at MDC.
Looking forward yet am feeling quite scared about it.
I hope i wun screw things up.
If only i'm a real millionaire den i dun need to work liao.